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I am not a professor, but who says only professors can have all the fun of a sabbatical. This summer I plan to follow three major goals that will increase my physical and mental wellbeing and use this change in myself to spread positive change. Feel free to explore to see the books I've read, the baking recipes I've endorsed, the crafts I've created and the action I am taking during this summer of Coronavirus 2020. Stay safe and have fun!

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Run, Mandy, Run

When the global pandemic began in full swing, I knew that i couldn't just sit and watch TV or read the depressing news. I took this...

Fiber Arts and Knitting Presentation!

During my time at ITP Camp, I presented on Fiber Arts and Knitting. I only had about five participants, but it was a great experience to...

100 Days of Making

Inspired by my ITP Class on creative habits called "Flossing with Picasso", I have decided to start a new habit of making every day. I...

Shady AI

I am in the last week of attending ITP Camp: an un-conference for techie-artsy people! Each day there are different sessions on a topic...

So I'm a Blogger...

As a fun activity with my fellow Senior Mechanical Engineers before graduation, the department had a Superlative Contest with some very...

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