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One Handed Bagpipes

AT Hackathon 2020

Home: Welcome


Julie has been bagpiping for many years for different occasions, but she is particularly touched by the services for the recently deceased, so she can play to bring a sacred honor to their life when so many around them feel so helpless. This project is to help Julie be able to play once again, this time with only her left hand.

Home: Intro

The Development 

Brainstorming, Iteration, Fabrication

We worked closely with Julie to decide what made musical sense. We brainstormed different options for our designs, created multiple iterations and prototypes and settled on our current design.

Home: About My Project

How To Make Yourself!

Step By Step Instructions

Like what you see? Check out our step by step instructions and files so that you can make your own!

Home: Watch

Resources and Inspirations

Because there are no adaptations for bagpipes to be played with one hand, we used these other instruments as our inspiration. 

Home: Citations

©2020 by One Handed Bagpipes. Proudly created with

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