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ME 35: Intro to Robotics


P8: The Lego Sorting Hat

This Lego Sorter utilizes Teachable Machines and the computer camera to sort legos based on their shape. First, the user places a lego piece on the platform and the computer determines which bin to place it. Then the robot drives towards the bins and moves the platform in the proper bin and spins to put the lego piece in the bin. With more time, the lego sorter would be able to sort all of the Lego Mindstorm pieces in into the proper section. At the moment, it can sort into the bottom four sections of the red bin. 

Collaborator: Ben McDermott


3 Motors Utilized

For y direction, x direction and rotation of the platform

5 Categories

For long blocks, for axles, for spacers, for small assorted pieces, and for when there is nothing on the platform

Sorts into the Lego Mindstorm Bin

Allows the user to place the pieces needed in the robot kit into the proper places as labeled by the Lego Mindstorm Box

3D Printed Sorted Hat

For Added Enjoyment 


Miniature Golf 


The Ball Thrower 3/2/2020

P6: Judging a Lego By Its Cover

This robot is a robot Lego sorter. The user drops the Lego in the waiting area, and the latch opens, dropping the Lego onto a platform. A raspberry pi using HSV mapping determined the color of the Lego and sent this information through serial to the EV3 which would place it in different bins based on the sorting color preference data from a dial. The robot would sort red bricks if the dial was between 0 and 90 degrees (starting vertically and rotating clockwise), blue bricks if the dial was between 90 and 180 degrees, yellow bricks if the the dial was between 180 and 270 degrees and green bricks if the dial was between 270 and 60 degrees. 

Collaborator: Priya Misner



Can Choose which Color to Sort Out

Through a motor dial and sending information to the raspberry pi

Fabrication for Boxes and Raspberry Pi Holder

Using Wood and Clear Acrylic

Utilizes HSV Mapping

Created a mask based on different HSV thresholds, measured the size of the mask and if it was larger than 1000, it was counted and sent as a 1 to the EV3

P5: A Trip to the Zoo

This robot music box plays different animal sounds as the four animals spin around when you press a button. The animals sounds are triggered from different motion: moving left or right, up or down, forward or backward and rotation. Each animal sound correlates to a different 3D Printed animal.

Collaborator: Kelly Melin


Spinning Carousel with 3D Printed Animals

For added enjoyment

Serial Communication

Using an Arduino Nano

Animal Sound Displayed

As a fun way for Kids to Learn what animal sounds belong to different animals

P4: Telepathy Twins

This robot duo was created to help blind and deaf people read letters. The scanner robot, controlled by a joy stick, travels in the y direction with a smaller moving robot traveling in the x direction. Using the EV3 light sensor, the robot stops when it reaches something that is not white and sends this information through Serial to the joy stick. The joy stick in turn produces haptic feedback by moving the stick to the center to indicate the robot is at a portion of the letter. 

Collaborators: Frank Straceski, Julia Sakalus, Kelly Melin



Serial Communication

Using UART

Haptic Feedback

The Joy stick returns to center

Scanner Inception

Allows for ease of scanning in the xy directions

P3: Fido Follows

Using a PD controller, the robot dog follows a black tape line on a white surface. Two LEDs and two light-sensitive resistors keep him on the line, turning when the line is not in sight. 

Collaborator: Morgan Strong



Wags Tail

A motor and gear system allows Fido to wag her tail while sniffing the trail


Laser Cut Face

Designed in Illustrator and heat bent to bend the ears and nose.

Circuit Building

Using light sensors, LED's and resistors

P2: The Grab 'N Go Challenge

This robot can be controlled with a phone using a dashboard on System Link. Its mission was to grab the "Grail" (a 10cm cube) and move it the starting position before other robots have a chance to grab the "Grail".

Collaborator: Evan Hirschman


Gear Train

For added Speed

Android User Interface

Added ease of control

Grabber Mechanism

Composed of "pincers", two gears and a motor

Winner of the Competition!

Speediest of them all

P1: Creating Roberta

Roberta is a classy robot. She can tell when there is an edge and rotate to stay on a table, as well as sense when other robots are near and smack them with her knitted flag.

Collaborator: Molly Lie



3D Printed Bow

For Style

Gear Train

For added torque on the wheels

Sensors: Light and Ultrasonic

For detection of the opponent and the table

Fighting Mechanism: Knitted Flag

For smacking or entangling the Opponent

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